Ensuring that the components produced by a company have the highest possible quality and that customers can be satisfied with the products purchased. Here is the task of the Punto Netto flying doctors.
Our flying doctors are the specialized task force in solving technical and qualitative problems relating to the components produced by supplier companies and in assistance at authorized workshops in the area of competence. This team of "flying doctors" is able to solve problems and technical defects of the vehicles both through remote support and with direct interventions at the repairers. Furthermore, our flying doctors are able to communicate directly and promptly with the parent company, report the technical cases handled, the most frequent defects encountered and provide support to the Customer Care office in the management of customer cases, legal cases and cases top management.
The "flying" term refers precisely to the fact that these technicians travel frequently to reach the various locations of their customers or their establishments where they have to intervene. Typically, these technicians are employed by manufacturers of high-end components and are also called "field technical specialists".
Yes, but what do the Punto Netto flying doctors do? The role of our flying doctors is to ensure that the components produced by the supplier companies have the highest possible quality and that customers are satisfied with the final products purchased. All this to contribute, on the one hand, to maintaining a high reputation of the manufacturing company and, on the other, to guarantee its growth and success in the automotive sector.
The work of our flying doctors consists of the following activities:
- Resolution of technical problems on the components produced, malfunctions of the electronic components, mechanical problems, assembly defects;
- Support to customers in the assessment of technical or quality problems of the purchased components;
- Training of technical staff or customer engineers on the components produced by the company;
- Analysis of data and feedback received from customers to identify any recurring problems and any room for improvement;
- Participation in development and improvement activities of the production and component assembly processes.
The flying doctors of Punto Netto, in essence, are the spearhead of an exceptional service which must take care of supporting the company's design and production phase in the complex diagnosis and, if necessary, resolve the anomalies found, working in close contact with component suppliers.
Our task force is ready to intervene at any time and is made up of qualified technicians and specialized engineers who are experts in diagnosing defects, even on vehicles in operation at the dealer, who are called from time to time to intervene wherever there is problem to solve it, also resorting to accurate non-destructive testing or the most innovative electronic diagnoses.
After diagnosing the damage and identifying the intervention area, they will proceed with the repair and, subsequently, with a new check to ascertain if the problem has been definitively eliminated and, above all, if the full functionality of the vehicle has been restored in such a way to interface correctly with the parent company.
The activity of our flying doctors can help improve the performance of the automotive warranty and can play a strategic role in improving the main KPIs.
Their activity allows the early diagnosis of the problem and its analysis directly at the retailer, maintaining active technical-legal assistance on behalf of the manufacturer.
Our flying doctors are real doctors who help diagnose problems and provide dealers and customers with “on the fly” technical assistance, even by telephone.
We have built around our customers a wide network of presence that allows us to be always at their side.