Careers - Punto Netto
News: We are proud to announce the comining of two new management engineers that will enrich the resident engineer team, team that contributes to the Punto Netto success.
We give them not just a hello but a sincere welcome.
Laura and Catia, after a training of about 1 month in our Headquarters and in plant, have been assigned, respectly, to the FCA (STELLANTIS) - Av, famous for production of rail e multijet engines and to the FCA (STELLANTIS) - Pomigliano d'Arco that products Panda models.
The incoming to the palnt did not close the training that will go on with a whole training on non destructive checks and for the systems managing.
For a long time, Punto Netto has understood the value of an engineering team with engineering knowlodges and with problem solving skills. We are proud of compliments we are receiving.
Given that in a Company to have expert people is an essential resource , and also a need to realize specific projects, you could have noted on our web site the section "careers".
From this section we will receive the cv of future Punto Netto professionals.
In this moment we are looking for engineers in the rule of resident engineer and graduate/bachelor's gratuated in technical matters with a CND license, for the rule of operator of non destructive controls. News